Stream "Sometimes"

Stream "Sometimes"

“Sometimes” is a song about forgiving your younger self. It’s about giving a hug to that little version of you inside. We’re all human. We have messed up time and time again. When you’re a teenager, those mistakes quickly take over your brain and rewire it into thinking that you’re at rock bottom and there’s no going up. Typing this message out at 18-years-old, I can confidently say that my 14-year-old mistake was not going to be the end of me. The heart is powerful and the ability to feel so strongly can often mislead you into the wrong direction. This song is for those who haven’t forgiven their younger selves for the mistakes they’ve made. It’s time forgive now. You are more than your mistakes, you are more than your lowest points. The past is the past. It’s time to learn from the mistakes, forgive yourself, move on, and work towards a better future.

Stream "Side of Change"

Stream "Side of Change"

This song is written from the young generation's point of view as they watch half the world fight for change, and half the world demand for it all to remain the same. The question we must ask ourselves in this situation is, "what will we tell our kids one day when they ask what we did while it all was transpiring?" I decided a while ago that I would tell my kids, one day, long from now, that "I was a part of giving you brighter days." I sincerely hope you all enjoy this song and it'll make you want to walk on the "Side of Change."

Stream "Back In"

Stream "Back In"

Have you ever resurfaced a past relationship? You try desperately to mold it back into what you once knew, however, the reality is that you have both changed. The love you both have for each other remains, yet there is constantly a question mark looming over you two. You watch as the relationship gradually starts to fade away due to the inaction of either person. This song is a story about that day when a person in that relationship decides that they will not allow this relationship to continue crumbling. You decide that you will stay in the house with your person, shut the world out, and discover the root of it all in hopes of finding that spark again. Are they desperate and fearful of losing what they’ve always known? Or is it a true passion deep within them that makes them want to fight for their love?